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Fitness & Research
An insight into the various fitness and physiological challenges we have undertaken.
Plant protein vs animal protein
Is there any difference between plant based protein and animal based protein post gym shakes? A study for Vivo Life.
Vegan Vs Meat
One Twin Went Vegan. The Other Didn’t. Here’s What Happened Next. Originally commisioned for Men's Health Magazine.
40 vs 20 minute workout
Is a 40 minute gym session twice a effective as a 20 minute session?
Weighted Vs Bodyweight
What’s more effective for all-round fitness: bodyweight, or weighted training? Featured in Men's Fitness Magazine.
New electric paramotor altitude record
Two Brothers Flew Over Val d’Isere in a Battery-Powered Paraglider.
Turner Twins: Double Jeopardy
Twins Hugo and Ross Turner are adventurers with everyman appeal and a can-do attitude over land, sea and in the air. There’s only one rule: they do them together
Adventurers exploring remote parts of the world
They’ve already rowed across the Atlantic, flown over Australia with paramotors and traveled to some of the world’s most remote places.
One Twin Went Vegan. The Other Didn't. Here's What Happened Next
Professional explorers wanted to find out how veganism would affect their training.
Twin explorers told us why they pack tampons
Ross and Hugo Turner don't like doing things the easy way. the pair decided to climb Mt Elbrus (18,510ft) with kit used by George Mallory 100 years ago.
From rowing to flying, meet the unstoppable Turner twins
Hugo and Ross Turner, 28, are twin brothers and adventurers whose expeditions combine epic feats with pioneering medical research...